2020 | What happens when twelve different, strangers are invited to talk about self-confidence and trust?

2016 | It all started by chance, and a funny story was told. Then an idea was born, but we were quite certain that if it were a really good idea, someone would have already done it already.

2017 | After some incredible twists and turns, we asked ourselves: what is this brand about? Where do we fit in this world?

2020 | Are we getting too serious? We’re telling those stories that may or may not have happened along the way. What could possibly go wrong?

(Not) Anyone can do a talk show!
2021 | When you understand yourself, it may be easier to understand your fellow human beings and feel part of something we call Peoplehood.

2021 | And before we even realised it, we had sunk into the deep waters again. Now almost everything has been tried. Except for the music video! And this is how it turned out.

2017 | Responsible consumption is a great ideal. It is merely fashionable to say that you buy ecologically and ethically sustainable products. The truth is that your own ass is a priority.

2019 | Self-confidence and self-assurance are two different things. If this brand is about self-confidence, where does it really come from?

A different kind of Christmas story
2020 | What happens when twelve different, strangers are invited to talk about self-confidence and trust?

2021 | In the Middle Ages, the Black Death was not the only nuisance. An interesting true story was revealed from the monasteries' records, which had to be filmed.